Junichi Shinozaki / last update : 2023.05.27
- Name
- Junichi Shinozaki
- Affiliation
- Subjects
- Official title
- Degree
- [Original paper] Cloning and Functional Analysis of Three Chalcone Synthases from the Flowers of Safflowers Carthamus tinctorius L. Junichi Shinozaki, Hiromichi Kenmoku, Kenichi Nihei, Kazuo Masuda, Masaaki Noji, Katsuhiro Konno, Yoshinori Asakawa, Kohei Kazuma Nat. Prod. Commun. 11 787–790 2016
- [Original paper] Migrated hopene synthases from Colysis pothifolia and identification of a migration switch controlling the number of 1,2-hydride and methyl shifts Junichi Shinozaki, Masayoshi Hiruta, Takayuki Okada, Kazuo Masuda ChemBioChem 17 65–70 2016
- [Original paper] Cyclization of all-E- and 2Z-geranylfarnesols by a bacterial triterpene synthase: insight into sesterterpene biosynthesis in Aleuritopteris ferns Junichi Shinozaki, Masaaki Shibuya, Yutaka Ebizuka, Kazuo Masuda Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 77 2278–2282 2013
- [Original paper] Effects of water-soluble undeneatured type II collagen in collagen-induced arthritis mice Orie Yoshinari, Yoshiaki Shiojima, Hiroyoshi Moriyama, Junichi Shinozaki, Takahisa Nakane, Kazuo Masuda, Manashi Bagchi J. Med. Food 16 1039–1045 2013
Conference, etc.
- [Poster presentation] Gene Mining for Carthamin Biosynthesis in Safflower, Carthamus tinctorius L., Using Next-generation Sequencing Platforms Hiromichi Kenmoku, Junichi Shinozaki, Kazuo Masuda, Masaaki Noji, Katsuhiro Konno, Yoshinori Asakawa, Kohei Kazuma Inangural Symposium of the Phytochemical Society of Asia 2015 Tokushima 2015/08/31
- [Poster presentation] ベニバナ色素キノカルコン類のMS2解析 数馬恒平, 紺野勝弘, 篠崎淳一, 増田和夫, 兼目裕充, 野路征昭, 浅川義範 日本生薬学会第61回年会 福岡 2014/09/14
- [Oral presentation] Purity test on crude drug using genetic information –The future of crude drug identification in the Japanese Pharmacopoeia– Haruka Asahina, Junichi Shinozaki, Motoyoshi Satake 5th International Barcode of Life Conference Yunnan, China 2013/10/27~2013/10/31
- [Poster presentation] 国上山に自生するキクバオウレンの調査研究 (1) -生育環境と品質- 高野昭人, 佐々木慎哉, 甲斐智洋, 中野美央, 福田達男, 篠崎淳一, 中根孝久, 増田和夫 日本生薬学会第60回年会 北海道 2013/09/08
- [Poster presentation] ベニバナ花色素の生合成関連酵素遺伝子の検索II 数馬恒平, 紺野勝弘, 兼目裕充, 野路征昭, 浅川義範, 篠崎淳一 日本生薬学会第60回年会 北海道 2013/09/08