??.z%R ?0?0?0?0 W?? ?? T ?]?S ?0?0?0 ?QHrt^ DOI URL "[Original paper]" "Mathematically improved convergence analysis for the non-overlapping domain decomposition method" "<b><u>Shigeta, T.</u></b>" "Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements" 166 105805 2024 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enganabound.2024.105805 "[Original paper]" "Ill-conditioned simultaneous linear equations to which the regularized solution almost coincides with the exact one" "<b><u>Shigeta, T.</u></b>" "BULLETIN of Showa Pharmaceutical University" <b>55</b> 1-9 2018 "[Original paper]" "Reconstruction of the non-homogeneous term of simultaneous linear equations using the truncated singular value decomposition" "<b><u>Shigeta, T.</u></b>" "<i>Transactions of the Japan Society for Computational Methods in Engineering</i>" <b>17</b> 43-46 2017 "[Original paper]" "Modified Schwarz alternating method and its convergence property" "<b><u>Shigeta, T.</u></b>" "<i>Transactions of the Japan Society for Computational Methods in Engineering</i>" <b>14</b> 7-12 2014 "[Original paper]" "Adaptive multilayer method of fundamental solutions using a weighted greedy QR decomposition for the Laplace equation" "<b><u>Shigeta, T.</u></b>, Young, D. L., and Liu, C. S." "<i>Journal of Computational Physics</i>" <b>231</b>(21) 7118-7132 2012 "[Original paper]" "Regularized solutions with a singular point for the inverse biharmonic boundary value problem by the method of fundamental solutions" "<b><u>Shigeta, T.</u></b> and Young, D. L." "<i>Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements</i>" "<b>35</b> (7)" 883-894 2011 "[Original paper]" "Mathematical and numerical studies on meshless methods for exterior unbounded domain problems" "<b><u>Shigeta, T.</u></b> and Young, D. L." "<i>Journal of Computational Physics</i>" "<b>230</b> (17)" 6900-6915 2011 "[Original paper]" "Mathematical aspects and numerical computations of an inverse boundary value identification using the adjoint method" "<b><u>Shigeta, T.</u></b>" "<i>Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics</i>" "<b>39</b> (2)" 81-93 2010