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"Kaori Matsumoto, Yoshihito Morimoto, Junichiro Wakatsuki, Daiki Sakuma, Keiko Mukouyama, Masayuki Inoue, Ayako Kimura, Iori Hirosawa, Kazuhiro Watanabe " "Yakugaku Zasshi . " 144(6) 685-69 2024 10.1248/yakushi.23-00206. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38825477/ ?}?? b??Q??dRn0^??Sk0?0~0g0n0?0?0?0?0h0??L?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0Y(udRn0???Nb???0L}?W0f0 !n?N?[ -N?kxvz "36 (4)" 355-359 2023 ?SW???e "Development and use of virtual reality video educational materials in clinical pharmacy education: a questionnaire-based feasibility study. " "Yoshihito Morimoto, Ken Yamamoto, Iori Hirosawa, Dan Kambayashi, Shinsuke Tajima, Yoko Kobayashi, Tadashi Yoshida, Kazuhiro Watanabe, Masayoshi Hirohara." "Japanese Journal of Community Pharmacy" 11 59-70 2023 ?SW???e "Simultaneous inhibition of Chk1 and Bcl-xL induces apoptosis in vitro and represses tumour growth in an in vivo xenograft model" "Yoshihito Morimoto, Kimihiko Takada, Osamu Takeuchi, Kazuhiro Watanabe, Masayoshi Hirohara, Yutaka Masuda" "Journal of Chemotherapy" 2022 "doi: 10.1080/1120009X.2022.2125749." ?}?? ?}?0?e?W?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?c.z?0?W0f0?H0?0??dR+^n0w??? !n?N?[ ???N?e1X 3273 992-997 2022 ?? ??dR+^o0i0n0?0F0k0?e????zvk0???0?0n0K0 !n?N?[ "Visual Dermatology" 21 766-769 2022 ?? ?V?Qg0b??U0?0f0D0?0?e?W?0?0?0?0?0?0?0a?g?u?0?0?0?0h0]0n0?c.zSO6Rn0?s?r !n?N?[ g R???N 64?6)0?Bf?X R?S 1116-1119 2022 ?}?? 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"Journal of General and Family Medicine" 20 19"24 2019 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/jgf2.219 ?SW???e "Risk factors for venous irritation in patients receiving vinorelbine: a retrospective study" "Yoshihito Morimoto, Kumika Miyawaki, Reisuke Seki, Kazuhiro Watanabe, Masayoshi Hirohara, Takao Shinohara" "Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences" 4 26 2018 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6166274/ ?}?? sNL0?0?0?0?0;SBvk0J0Q0?0??dR+^n0y_rR !n?N?[ ?e,g;S+^O??? 147 525-527 2018 ?}?? b??Q??dRn0???Nb??x0n0?0?0?0?0?0?H0?0 !n?N?[ ??dRf[ 78(3) 134-138 2018 ?SW???e \PQQe%`?`?k0?[Y0?0??dR+^?0?0?0?0?0n0?[Kah0]0n0Ye???0?0?0k0??Y0?0???g ?hCQ???N ?PO?RHYP[ ??0uck} ?!n?N?[ ;SBv??f[ 44 180-186 2018 ?SW???e "Changes in the viscosity of metronidazole gel mixed with other agents to treat malodorous ulcerated skin cancers" "Iori Hirosawa, Kaname Hashizaki, Kentaro Matsumura, Makiko Fujii, Kazuhiro Watanabe" "Journal of Drug Interaction Research" 42 89"94 2018 ?SW???e "Risk Factors for Chest Pain and Fever Associated with Use of OK-432 for Pleurodesis" "Yoshihito Morimoto, Hidefumi Takei, Keisei Tachibana, Yoko Nakazato, Ryota Tanaka, Yasushi Nagashima, Kazuhiro Watanabe, Reisuke Seki, Takao Shinohara, Haruhiko Kondo" "Internal Medicine" 57 1697-1702 2018 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=29434153 ?SW???e "Role of Pharmacists in Completion of Adjuvant Cisplatin-Vinorelbine Chemotherapy in Japanese Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer" "Yoshihito Morimoto, Hidefumi Takei, Keisei Tachibana, Yoko Nakazato, Ryota Tanaka, Yasushi Nagashima, Kazuhiro Watanabe, Reisuke Seki, Takao Shinohara, and Haruhiko Kondo" "YAKUGAKU ZASSHI" 437-442 2018 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=29503435 ?SW???e "Joint symptoms associated with anastrozole and letrozole in patients with breast cancer: a retrospective comparative study" "Y. 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Bulletin of Showa Pharmaceutical University" 46 1 12 2012 ?SW???e "Effects and Problems of Education from First Clinical Pharmacy Training at Hospital in the Six-Year System of Pharmaceutical Education: Questionnaire on Students and Instructing Pharmacists" "Watanabe K, Hirohara M, Terata A, Nakamura M, Kushida, K Takano A, Chiba R, Osawa T, Kitajima J, Shibuya F, Toda J, Hagiwara Y, Hamashima H, Hamamoto T, Fukumori R, Horiguchi Y, Taguchi K, Iga T" "Journal of Drug Interaction Research" 35 31-40 2012 ?SW???e " Status of provision of drug information to hypertensive patients at community-based pharmacies" "Watanabe K, Nakamura F, Matsumura S, Fukuhara S" "General Medicine, 12, 75-81, (2011)." 12 "75-81 " 2011 ?SW???e "??dR+^n0?0?0?0k0T?W0_0ÁÄ^xvz Ye???0?0?0?0?0?0?0n0?zHh?0?[?e U??O" " !n?N?[0*jq\I?P[0'Y¦¡Na_N0?]?N gP[0 P0u mP[0?}?\KQ?0??9hPyP[0?N??eP0?y?S?ON" ??@\??f[ 2 44-52 2010 ?SW???e "Efforts of Showa Pharmaceutical University toward Pre-training for Clinical Pharmacy Practice and Its Assessment" " Watanabe K, Hirohara M, Terata A, Kushida, K Takano A, Chiba R, Osawa T, Kitajima J, Shibuya F, Toda J, Hagiwara Y, Hamashima H, Hamamoto T, Fukumori R, Horiguchi Y, Taguchi K, Iga T" "Journal of Drug Interaction Research" 34 "85-91 " 2010 ?SW???e "Preparation and Evaluation of Stability and Drug Release of Lidocaine containing Metronidazole Ointments Prepared in a Hospital for Cancerous Malodor" "Watanabe K, Shimamoto T, Uramatsu S, Uemura T, Nakamura S" "Journal of Drug Interaction Research" 34 "93-98 " 2010 ?SW???e ?u4lS?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0(uD0_0L0?0'`?`?k0?[Y0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0??dRn0??dRf[?vU??O !n?N?[0?\,gOe+Y0-NQgn>T0fm~g?O?l0?\?^ N0 i~g?O?O0?e`l?N?_ ?e,g?}?T;SBv??f[??? 2 39-43 2009