Laboratory of Social Pharmacy and Epidemiology


Azusa Hara, Ph.D.Professor

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Research Subjects

  • Cardiovascular Epidemiology
  • Cancer Epidemiology
  • Pharmacoepidemiology

Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events (including disease), and the application of this study to the control of diseases and other health problems (WHO; We focus on Cardiovascular and Cancer Epidemiology and Pharmacoepidemiology.

As a collaborating researcher of large population studies in Japan (JPHC study, JPHC-NEXTstudy and Ohasama study), in Belgium (The FLEMENGHO study), and in The Netherlands(The Rotterdam study), we contribute to the construction of evidence-based public healthapproaches to prevent cancer and cardiovascular events.

Outline of our study

Cardiovascular epidemiology

Elevated blood pressure is a strong, independent risk factor for incident cardiovascular diseases.The recent international hypertension management guidelines of Japan, United States and Europeconfer increasing weight to methods of measuring BP outside the medical environment, 24-hour ambulatory BP (ABP) measurements, self-measurements at home (HBP), or both. ABP monitoring and HBP measurements have several advantages over clinical/casual BP (CBP) measurements, the absence of the white-coat effect, the lack of digit preference and observer bias when automateddevices are used, and better correlation to target organ damage and prognosis.Using the data from the Ohasama Study, a community-based project to measure ABP and HBP, we investigate their relationship with target organ damage and their prognostic values for cardiovascular diseases.

Cancer epidemiology

Cancer incidence has been increasing in Japan, which are regarded as a contribution by the increasing life expectancy and aging population and also considered to reflect changes in the underlying risk factors such as tobacco smoking, infection and dietary habits. We are investigating the association between potential causal factors and the incidence of or mortality from cancer and other diseases in JPHC Study, which is a large, population-based, prospective cohort study in Japan.


Individual variability in response to drugs has been recognized in clinical practice. It could be effected on pharmacodynamics factors. Using the Rotterdam study database, we investigated whether the polymorphisms were associated with effect of several drugs.



Showa Pharmaceutical University

3-2-1 Higashi-Tamagawagakuen,
Machidashi,Tokyo 194-8543, Japan
TEL +81-42-721-1511

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