Master's course
Fulfilling educational needs in both basic pharmaceutical sciences and clinical pharmacy

The master's course is divided into a specialization in pharmaceutical sciences that aims to nurture researchers who can participate in a wide range of pharmaceutical areas, and a specialization in clinical pharmacy in which students learn actual medical practice at a deeper level while gaining experience through practical training at affiliated hospitals. Students in both specializations are awarded a master's degree in pharmacy after passing a thesis defense and final examination.
Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Students in this department aim to acquire specialized learning in pharmaceutical sciences and research abilities, focusing on basic pharmaceutical sciences. The curriculum is composed of eight lectures on specialized topics, seminars, and specialized experiments. Students take the required credits, work on their own research topic under the guidance of their academic advisor, and write a master's thesis.
Department of Clinical Pharmacy
This department aims to nurture specialists who can contribute to medical care, as well as researchers in the field of clinical pharmacy. During the first semester, students are required to take specialized subjects in clinical pharmacy. During the next six months they learn and practice the work performed by pharmacists on hospital wards at affiliated hospitals. During their second year, students work on a research topic at SPU or a teaching hospital under the guidance of their advisor, and write a master's thesis.