A university open to the local community
SPU aims to be an open university that moves forward together with the community in line with the school's mission to be a locally-rooted educational institution. SPU will pursue the ideal form for a 21st century university through various opportunities for interaction with local residents, including opening university facilities to the public and holding open symposia.
Promotion of lifelong education
As part of its effort to promote lifelong education, SPU, together with the Shoyaku Alumni Association, sponsors open courses authorized by the Japan Pharmacists Education Center. Pharmacists who take the courses receive credits for pharmacist certification from the Center.
Opening the Medicinal Plant Garden and holding open symposia
The Medicinal Plant Garden's Medicinal Herb Classroom is open to the public once a month between April and October, excluding August. Moreover, every year SPU holds an open Familiar Medicinal Plants Symposium for people to learn about the relationship between plants and humans.
Supporting rich community development
In support of a rich community that has character, SPU holds extension courses for the public. SPU also takes advantage of its characteristics as a pharmaceutical university to contribute to the improvement of health in the local community through lectures about medicines and health.
Many community residents take part in the Shoyaku University Festival
The Shoyaku University Festival, held every November, is well known as a widely popular event among community residents. During the festival a grand bazaar in which local residents take part is held in the multipurpose arena (gymnasium).